Your lawyer in Amsterdam! For inheritance law, damage and liability, fraud, family law, investment fraud, employment law and banking law.



Second Opinion

Before you decide to appeal, you want to know what your chances are. That is why we offer you a second opinion on your case at the court. Before you decide to appeal, you want to know what your chances are. That is why we offer you a second opinion on your case at the court. We then look at the chance of an appeal, but also at the approach of the case to the [...]

2024-03-07T17:01:16+01:0025 January 2018|Appeal|

How do you get your salary if your employer is obliged by UWV to continue paying wages for a longer period?

If an employee becomes ill, the employer must pay the salary for up to 2 years. If the employee is still ill after 2 years, the employee can apply to the UWV for disability benefit (WIA). Sometimes the UWV will not yet process this application because the employer has not fulfilled his obligations. UWV then decides that the wage payment obligation will be extended. So what should an employee do? How do you ensure that you still receive your salary?

2022-08-19T11:44:11+01:0022 August 2017|Claiming Salary, Dismissal|

Dutch Rental & Property Law

We are specialists in matters of property. We help tenants and landlords, owners, sellers and other interested parties. Residential rentals Dutch law provides strong protection for tenants of independent living space. A landlord cannot simply terminate a rental contract. Termination due to breach of contract can only be determined by a judge. Fixed-term rental is not impossible, but the contract must fulfil the relevant requirements. Sadly, sometimes expats  are presented with invalid contracts because they [...]

Can you file for the bankruptcy of a “Limited” in the Netherlands?

Dutch entrepreneurs can set up a foreign legal entity such as the English "Limited" (Ltd.) with which they are only active in the Netherlands. Sometimes it concerns entrepreneurs with a history of fraud or bankruptcy, who - not for the first time - do not fulfill their obligations. What if you have money from such a limited and the company does not pay? Can you go to the Dutch court to file for bankruptcy or do you have to conduct expensive proceedings abroad?

Dutch Insolvency Law

It is possible that a Dutch court can declare an English limited company, a Belgian BVBA or a German GmbH bankrupt. It is said that capitalism was invented in The Netherlands. The first multinational in history was the VOC, the Dutch East India Company. The VOC was also the first company listed on the stock exchange. The shares were traded on the oldest stock exchange in the world, the Amsterdam Beurs. What not so many [...]

2022-08-19T11:46:27+01:007 March 2017|Bankruptcy, Debt Restructuring|

Dutch Debt Collection

We are specialised in collection procedures. We handle claims both on businesses and on individuals. Our office provides the possibility of agreement on a fixed fee for our services in collection procedures. Demands If a claimant instructs us to collect a debt they have usually already sent demands for payment and attempted to obtain settlement themselves. Many debts are paid as soon as the debtor receives a demand from a lawyer. The debtor realises that [...]

2024-03-07T17:01:50+01:006 March 2017|Debt Collection|

Dutch Contract Law

Dutch law also includes the possibility that contractual obligations are not recognised under the law itself. An agreement to break the law, for instance, is not valid and cannot therefore be enforced by a judge. Such a situation seldom arises in professional contracts between businesses, but nevertheless it is advisable to seek legal advice if there is a lot at stake. In the Netherlands verbal agreements are just as valid as written contracts, although it [...]

2022-08-19T11:47:59+01:006 March 2017|Dismissal, Summary Proceedings|

Your employee no longer pays a health care premium. What now?

If someone does not pay a health care premium for six months, he or she is registered as a defaulter with the Dutch Care Institute. From that moment on, the so-called defaulter must pay an administrative premium to the Dutch Health Care Institute. This administrative premium is higher than the health care premium and replaces the health care premium to the health insurance company.

2022-08-19T11:50:59+01:008 June 2016|How To|

Tackling a scammer (part 2): compensation

We have received many positive responses to our article on tackling scammers dated April 2, 2016. Most of the responses came from people who have been victims of a scammer. We also received many questions about the legal means that a lawyer can use to recover the damage from a scammer. The article was about tackling scammers through civil courts. Words like “fraud” and “fraud” are not in the Civil Code. So what are the tools we use to recover money from a scammer in a lawsuit? In this article we give a look into our kitchen. This is how we work if we summon a scammer and arrange compensation for you.

2022-08-19T11:51:42+01:0012 May 2016|Fraud & Deception, How To, Unlawful Act|

The EU Insolvency Regulation

The European Insolvency Regulation has been in force since 1 May 2002. These European rules provide important rules for bankruptcy proceedings, which you will not find in Dutch bankruptcy law. To understand bankruptcy law, you must also be aware of the EU Insolvency Regulation. What are the main points of this regulation? The purpose of the regulation The purpose of the Insolvency Regulation is to determine which court of which country has jurisdiction to hear [...]

2022-08-19T11:53:12+01:003 April 2016|Bankruptcy|

Scammed. How do you deal with a scammer?

It is always advisable to report the scammer. Scams just don't have the highest priority. Violent cases, murder and burglary often receive more attention. Moreover, investigative work in fraud and fraud cases takes a lot of manpower and time; scammers often work smart. So you should not have too high expectations of detecting and prosecuting scammers. Moreover, and that is what this article is about, recovering the embezzled money or claiming damages is not the job of the police. You need to see a lawyer for that.

2022-08-19T11:53:51+01:002 April 2016|Fraud & Deception, How To, Unlawful Act|
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